Thursday 6 September 2007

Varden Mosque

In a town full of empty churches I hope some are converted to Mosques soon.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they will, and you will have Sharia.

Anonymous said...

I hope not, as most rulings considered Shariah is according to the old testament in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

Even if the churches are vacant in Stavanger, it’s the cultural past of this city and of this country. You are given rights to follow any religion you want, right to open your mosques and now you are eyeing the churches of Stavanger? Will the Saudi Government ever approve an application to build a church in Saudi Arabia? Leave apart converting a mosque into a church.

Anonymous said...

You asking for an application for a church being built in Saudi Arabia is like asking for a mosque to be built in the Vatican. Is that likely to occur? As for Shariah, this encompasses all things not just punishments. This includes what is appropriate to eat,marraige rights,business rights and so forth,so whether it comes or not that in God's hands only. As for the church's being converted well that is up for debate and dependant upon a few things..
Firstly - it would up to the Christians if they wanted to sell it and who to.
Secondly - most churches contain graves inside the church,which according to Shariah is not a valid place to pray due to this.

Anonymous said...
Refer to above link to know about the mosque that was being illegally built in Vatican. The article also talks about some mosques that are built around Vatican. And if you are so concerned about your Islamic laws and duties why are there so many muslims living in western countries? Wouldn't it be better for them to stay in their own countries where they can practice their miserable Sharia laws.

The point that I'm trying to make here is if muslims are permitted to live in west and if they still want to stick to 7th century Arabic laws well go ahead and practice it but if you cant blend into the local culture don't try to enforce yours on others too. But this is not the case, wherever muslims go and once their number starts increasing they start doing what they are at the best...bullying and terrorising.

Further I would like to add forget building a church in Saudi Arabia, they wont even let you carry a Bible in that country.

Anonymous said...

Refer to above link to know about the mosque that was being illegally built in Vatican.The article also talks about some mosques that are built around Vatican.

- Actually that article refers to rome, and not the vatican.

And if you are so concerned about your Islamic laws and duties why are there so many muslims living in western countries? Wouldn't it be better for them to stay in their own countries where they can practice their miserable Sharia laws.

- to date, there is not one country which implements shariah 100%, when such movements occur for an implementation of shariah, they are usually halted by either the western governments directly or indirectly. e.g somalia recently, algeria civil war, turkish elections in the 90's... what you also findis those countries where there is shariah of some degree and i'm excluding Iran here for theolgical reasons, you will find that the immagration of citizens from those countries to the west are small. e.g.Saudi Arabia, north of Nigeria. Now with regards to whether it would be better for them to stay in those countries, that is a question which requires a complex answer due to the different factors involved. For instance why did they leave? is it because the western countries have robbed all its resources?is it because the western countires have only allowed a regime which is biased towards the west and its ideology? is it becauase jobs are limited due to having a preference for western workers? is it because due to IMF the country agrees to grow strawberrys instead of growning staple crops like bread for its society? there are hundreds of reasons why they might have left and why they had to leave.

The point that I'm trying to make here is if muslims are permitted to live in west and if they still want to stick to 7th century Arabic laws well go ahead and practice it but if you cant blend into the local culture don't try to enforce yours on others too.

- I think everyone would agree to this point, even in Islam, culture has a place, no one denies that you should adapt to your surroundings but its debatable to what extent,does it mean you should lose your identity completely, until only the colour of your skin and accent makes you differ?

But this is not the case, wherever muslims go and once their number starts increasing they start doing what they are at the best...bullying and terrorising.

- please cite examples of this, because I could list you literally hundereds where the opposite has or is occuring. anyone remember the crusades?

Further I would like to add forget building a church in Saudi Arabia, they wont even let you carry a Bible in that country.

-again this is factually incorrect, you are allowed to have a bible and indeed carry it, you just can't break the law of the land which states that Islam is the official religion and does not allow propagation of any other. This is the same as many other countires around the world and is still a common sight in some countries today.
I think the one point you and me would agree is that you have to obey the law of the land, and if thats the case, then this wouldn't be an issue.

Anonymous said...

Hallo for all Christians and Salam Aleikoum for all Muslims!
I am from Romania and live in Dubai(UAE) and I'm a converted from Cristianity to Islam. What made me decide to convert to Islam? Well, the simple reason and logic and got confirmed whatever I had not believed that Jesus is The Son Of GOD!How could that be? Please, God made us creatures to think freely and to use our minds for everything good and logic. How come any mother in the world can leave her only child to be killed by people for people? What about GOD???Could GOD do that? WHO ARE WE? PLease, think about it!!! It is not difficult.Aren't we whatever GOD created? It takes a split second to think right.
And by the way I got into discution because I wanted to remember Stavanger, with tolerant and open mind people. I've been to Stavanger. That was 12 years ago The occasion: VESTA CUP for volleyball. .
I fell in love with Norway and I'm still in love with it, specially Stavanger. I hope, InshaƁllah, that I'll go back for vacation with my husband and our 2 children.
I mean no bad feelings to those who don't know that much about Islam, just from the media which acctually infect people with bad and wrong news. GOD(ALLAH=GOD(That's the translation in Arabic for GOD)) told us to find out the TRUTH!!!Thank you and Salam Aleikoum Wa rahmatulahi wa Barakatuhu!

Anonymous said...

lest hope there is a full Muslim ''parliament'' soon and the British are enslaved

Anonymous said...

Let us hope that all Muslims die a miserable death and go to hell to be with their UNHOLY prophet Mohammad.

Anonymous said...

very useful, thanx a lotfor this blog -- This was what I was looking for.

Anonymous said...

salam alikoum. i am germany boy i am muslim and all my family catholc but we live in pace coz we rspect each other . i hop for all ppl respect each other and let every in pace picially muslim coz all speak about islam not good mulism are tirourism ,,,,and they forget now all problem come from catholic ppl hatrest .. igouwest ,, inreponsability ,, only drink win and make sex,,, and kill muslim in filistina and irak and till now in afganistan ... jews now kill mulism every day but no one talk about that why ? why .. other woh killed many ppl last time in norway muslkim or let say he is kind boy just have prestion coz he is catholic ???? where is the ppl woh say the truth ?/ were is the justes ? bad is bad ,,, we should not conetct it with religions .. and humantiy now are so bad think only about food money sex lie bitray kill profit ignortion . fashisem. and they left all this and every one talk about islam and mulism ,, wallaho moutimou norihi walo kariha moushrikoun ....salam alikoum pace for all ..